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Create a visually attractive app icon

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How to create cute app icons that catch the eye of a user?
As an app developer, you should have a strategy on how to highlight your app among dozens of analogs, how to make users concentrate on your product specifically, how to upload your work on iTunes or Google Play – and make it a dream object for downloaders. From this viewpoint, an app icon is a vital part of an app store optimization.

Considering the number of applications uploaded to Play Market every second, you should realize that users nowadays have less and less time to make a crucial (well, essential for you) choice: whether or not they will download your app. This means that decision speed counts for seconds, and the influence of your app’s visual representation should be extremely powerful. Which point of contact comes first while the user’s browsing an app list on the app store? Obviously, an app icon forms the first visual impression of the product you have developed.

This fact puts the importance of app icons for your marketing strategy on the top of the corner. In addition to this aspect, try to imagine several various places where the icon will represent your app – from the website to press releases. Generally speaking, it would be fair to compare the app icon’s role to a brand logo’s position.

You may be sure your app’s icon has reached its goal when users choose to explore your app deeply. As a result, they read your app description (or at least a part of it) in order to discover more information, they check out your carefully selected app screenshots. And they download your app.

Thinking over your app icon design, don’t forget to pay attention to:

1. Words. Using them would be a horrible idea. Do not double info that is already stored in another instrument – an app name.

2. Simplicity. Brainstorm things you associate with your app, then choose one, the most multipurpose image – and let it be a visual representation of your app idea.

3. Details. Be attentive to small things, even if you are the only one to notice them.

4. Balance. Combine colors wisely; aesthetics always matters.

5. Consistency check. Make sure users will not get confused – they should both remember your app icon AND draw a parallel with your application while seeing this image. In case you are developing a few apps with the same concept, do not mix the user’s impression by giving tangled and unclear visual signals.

Borders. Adding them, you automatically make an app icon look great on any background – you never know where it can be used.

Get ready to provide a qualitative 1024×1024 icon that looks perfect, even on a full screen.

Now you can meet the situation head-on. You are totally informed about how to stand out from the crowd and innovate while designing your app icon.

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